Here is the report from MJP for RENO 1st ONEMAN LIVE 「GUITAR LIFE」 on 4 June 2015 at Shibuya REX.
English version:
On June 4th, RENO's 1st oneman concert, which was announced at ViViD's last show, was held at Shibuya REX. He announced the show "GUITAR LIFE" at the same time as the announcement of his solo career. As the concert was held on his birthday, there was a nice surprise for him prepared. Here is a review of the concert that was held on his special day.
As soon as RENO appeared on the stage, Shibuya REX was filled with excitement of the capacity crowd.
He turned the venue into his world as he started the first song "Collision of Universe", which is a guitar oriented instrumental song. As if to embody the foreign saying "A picture is worth a thousand words", he showed the crowd his various feelings that cannot be described with words.
After a number of emotional songs and those with hard guitar riffs, he performed "Milky Way" and filled the venue with a fragile piano sound and a fine balance of guitar melody. RENO told, "It doesn't have any lyrics. So, I value the title of the song". The audience witnessed RENO's worldview in every sound he created.
"At the moment, I want to tell my feelings with my guitar. The title of my next song means "白紙 / White page" in Japanese, but it doesn't mean "zero". I named it with my wish to color in a white page with those who listen to my songs." said RENO and started performing "White page". It started with piano and the venue was filled with its beautiful sound. His anxiety, determination and hope...we never know what he felt in his music, but even without a word the fans surely saw his passion for guitar and will to "make a home for us".
For encore, RYOGA (ex. ViViD), who was a support guitarist for the day, came back on stage with RENO with acoustic guitars in their hands. They told, "We will sing from the bottom of our hearts." and to the fans' surprise, they started performing ViViD's songs "夏花 / Natsubana" and "LETTER". This was a present from RENO who wanted to "make the fans happy as much as possible". The fans sang together to the song that he performed with nothing but his guitar. It became a pleasant surprise for the audience.
What was more, during RYOGA's solo part in the last song "explosion", "Happy Birthday Song" was sung instead of his guitar solo. A cake was brought out on stage and the members and fans celebrated RENO's birthday together. RENO seemed so happy to receive the birthday surprise.
After that, they continued the song and performed a strong band sound and RENO's guitar solo. He successfully ended "RENO 1st ONEMAN LIVE GUITAR LIFE" amid excitement.
As if the guitar was singing, we felt his strong thoughts from every sound it made throughout the show. It all began with his desire to make "a home for my fans and myself" and he made a spectacular start of his solo career.
This summer, RENO is going to support "MASAKIソロ・ツアー2015 / MASAKI SOLO TOUR 2015" and travel around Japan. He also has his on tour "RENO TOUR 2015 GUITAR LIFE -UNIVERSE-" that starts in November. Check below to find the tour dates. We can't take our eyes off RENO's upcoming events.
01. Collision of Universe
02. Distorted View
03. Sonic Attack
04. Milky Way
05. apollo
06. CORE
07. super:NovA
08. White page
09. Boogie
10. From the sky
EN1. 夏花 / Natsubana
EN3. explosion
■Live information
2015.11.06(Fri) RUIDO OSAKA [OPEN 18:00 / START 18:30]
2015.11.07(Sat) Nagoya ell.SIZE [OPEN 17:00 / START 17:30]
2015.11.27(Fri) Shibuya REX [OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00]
[Support Member] RYOGA(G)・Toshiki Oomomo (B)・ Yuya Maeta (D)
[Ticket] adv \4,800 / day \5,300 (Tax in)
* DRINKS not included・Preschool-aged children and under not permitted
Chinese version:
ViViD最後一場演出上發表的RENO 1st ONEMAN LIVE於6月4日在澀谷REX召開。
這次的"GUITAR LIFE"演出是在確定開始個人活動的同時就已經決定了下來。舉辦演出的這一天剛好也是RENO的生日,演出中還跑出不少驚喜。
RENO在全場滿員的澀谷REX舞台上登場的瞬間,場內立即充滿熱氣。第一首《Collision of Universe》剛一開始,澀谷REX就被RENO以吉他為主角的樂曲聲所感染。百聞不如一見,RENO將無法用言語表現出來的複雜感情用吉他聲打動了在場所有觀眾的心。
在激烈的節奏、動人的曲調持續之中,一曲《Milky Way》將虛幻飄渺的鋼琴音和吉他旋律絕妙的搭配在一起響徹全場。如RENO說的「因為是沒有歌詞的音樂,所以很慎重的考慮了標題」,他將標題中的意思用音符原原本本地表現出來的同時,樂曲中所蘊含的RENO的世界觀也在聽眾之間不斷蔓延擴散。
「我想用吉他將現在的心情傳遞給大家。下一曲的標題用日語來說的話就是"白紙"的意思,不過不僅僅是想表達ZERO的含義。而是擁有,想和聽了我的音樂後覺得不錯的人們一起從今以後在什麼都沒有的紙上共同畫上屬於我們的故事的意思。」RENO的發言過後開始了《White page》的演奏。以鋼琴音為前奏展開的優美的旋律在會場中飄蕩。不安、決心、希望等等...RENO在一個個音符上賦予的想法也許只有本人才能領會得到,但他對吉他的熱情以及"打造出和大家一起的地方"的決心,就算不說出來也確實地傳達到了觀眾的心中。
隨後演奏再次展開。披露了強力的樂隊合奏和RENO的吉他獨奏。"RENO 1st ONEMAN LIVE GUITAR LIFE"在狂熱的氣氛中落下帷幕。
今年夏天RENO還將作為"MASAKIソロ・ツアー2015"的支援嘉賓到各地巡演。此外,11月他還有自己的巡演"RENO TOUR 2015 GUITAR LIFE -UNIVERSE-"。巡演具體日程請參見以下內容。今後也請繼續關注不斷火熱展開活動的RENO的動向。
01. Collision of Universe
02. Distorted View
03. Sonic Attack
04. Milky Way
05. apollo
06. CORE
07. super:NovA
08. White page
09. Boogie
10. From the sky
EN1. 夏花
EN3. explosion
11月06日(五) RUIDO OSAKA [OPEN18:00 / START18:30]
11月07日(六) 名古屋ell.SIZE [OPEN17:00 / START17:30]
11月27日(五) 渋谷REX [OPEN18:30 / START19:00]
[Support Member] RYOGA(G)・大桃俊樹(B)・前田遊野(D)
[演出門票] 全公演 預售¥4,800 / 当日¥5,300 (含稅)
Japanese version:
ソロとしての活動を明らかにすると同時に決定した今回の「GUITAR LIFE」。ライブが開催されたこの日は、RENOの誕生日当日とあって、公演では嬉しいサプライズも飛び出した。今回は、そんな特別な日に開催された記念すべき公演の模様を、お届けする。
一曲目の「Collision of Universe」がスタートするやいなや、ギターをメインとするインストゥルメンタル楽曲のサウンドで、渋谷REXがRENOの世界観に染められていく。「一枚の絵は一千語に匹敵する」という海外のことわざを体現するかのごとく、RENOはギターの音を駆使しながら、言葉だけでは表現出来ない多くの感情を、観客にぶつけていった。
ハードなリフやエモーショナルな曲調が続く中、「Milky Way」では儚いピアノの音色と絶妙なバランスを取るギターメロディーが会場に響いた。「歌詞がない音楽なので、その分タイトルを大事に考えています」と語ったRENO。タイトルをそのまま表現した楽曲が会場に響くたび、その曲やタイトルに込められていたRENOの世界観がリスナー達に広がっていく。
「今、ギターで想いを届けたいという気持ちがあります。次の曲のタイトルは日本語でいうと『白紙』という意味だけど、ゼロという意味で書いたわけではないです。自分の音楽を聴いて、いいなと思ってくれた人たちと一緒に、何もない紙にこれから一緒に描いていきたい、という意味です」というRENOの言葉で始まったのは「White page」。ピアノからスタートしたその美しいサウンドが会場中に響いていく。不安や決意や希望...RENOがひとつひとつの音に込めた想いは本人にしか分からないが、彼のギターに対する熱い想いや「みんなと居場所を作る」という決心は、言葉はなくとも観客の心へ伝わっているのは確かだ。
その後、演奏が再開されると、力強いバンドサウンドとRENOならではのギターソロが披露され、大きな熱気を帯びたまま、「RENO 1st ONEMAN LIVE GUITAR LIFE」が終わりを迎えた。
今夏RENOは「MASAKIソロ・ツアー2015」のサポートとして各地を巡る。そして、11月には自身のライブツアー「RENO TOUR 2015 GUITAR LIFE -UNIVERSE-」を控えている。ツアーのスケジュールは以降をご参考いただきたい。今後もアツい活動を展開していくRENOの動向から、引き続き目が離せない。
01. Collision of Universe
02. Distorted View
03. Sonic Attack
04. Milky Way
05. apollo
06. CORE
07. super:NovA
08. White page
09. Boogie
10. From the sky
EN1. 夏花
EN3. explosion
11月06日(金) RUIDO OSAKA [OPEN18:00 / START18:30]
11月07日(土) 名古屋ell.SIZE [OPEN17:00 / START17:30]
11月27日(金) 渋谷REX [OPEN18:30 / START19:00]
[Support Member] RYOGA(G)・大桃俊樹(B)・前田遊野(D)
[チケット] 全公演 前売¥4,800 / 当日¥5,300 (税込)
source: MJP
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